YSC Christmas Party hosted by MaxLife Student Ministries

December 10, 2023 4:30 - 7:30pm

We’ll celebrate Christmas with the students at Youth Services Center. Games, devotions, dinner, cookie decorating and gifts. This is an awesome opportunity to serve others and share the hope of Jesus. December 10, 4:30-7:30pm.

We will be packing cookie decorating kits immediately after 10am service on 12/10. Should not take longer than 30 minutes. Cookies will already be done.

Beth S, Andrea B, and myself will be filling the Christmas gift boxes on Friday night 12/8. Place and time TBD. MaxLife students have been invited to help pack, but not expected.

Students arrive at CC at 4:30 and we’ll head over to YSC to set-up dinner. Dinner at 5:00pm. Conclude at 7:00pm. Students will head back to CC for 7:30pm pick-up. Or parents can pick them up at YSC.